Dzoongri top trek, Yuksom, West Sikkim

The mighty Himalyas! When my husband announced at the beginning of the year that we should go trekking in the Himalayas, I scoffed at him and said that there was no way two terribly out of shape adults could do such a thing. However secretly a part of me also wanted to embark on the adventure and so I gave my approval and he made all the reservations for the Dzongri top trek with his old PHd advisor. His advisor from his days at Georgia tech was visiting India and we decided to go on the trek with his family in the third week of October. T's family from America was incredibly fit and their two young daughters are cross country runners and soccer players. T and R also run four times a week. Also D, the seventh person in the crew had just run a marathon! S and me spend all our time traveling to and from work and have become incredibly lazy. We were running "couchathons" instead of marathons. Anyway the last week was spent climbing the nine floors of our ap...