Looking out for a pleasant sunday drive out of Bangalore?

Living in Bangalore, the thought of driving is a nightmare. However what i am suggesting is not driving to mall or a crowded restaurant but suggesting an outskirts trip where one could breathe the fresh air and feel the History. Having visited and lived in two countries other than the one i was born in and having visited many other countries has made me appreciate the history of India. If there is one thing I can take pride in being indian is the history of this country. Of course the citizens do not care for it as there is so much of living history around us that one is blase or uninterested in preserving it. Anyway that rant needs another blog post. This post though is to give you an idea for a short Sunday trip with bored kids to get a taste of Karnataka history. Spending 5 years now in Bangalore, I find that there were many power houses in Bangalore's history. Out of this, I want to introduce you to three of these influences in Bangalore that I have learnt over my five yea...