Deadly Tuesday

I thought today was going to be just a usual day doing my usual jig before I leave for the US on the 9th of August. I got up in the morning, took copies of all my originals and then worked on getting a duplicate license (yes lost the original). We (Mum and me) had movie tickets for parineeta at 4 PM. So we set out at 3:45PM just to realize that we left the tickets at home. Drove all the way back amist a heavy downpour and rushed up and got the tickets. The show started late so we caught the movie on time. It was beautiful. The story was usual hindi movie types but the cinematography was top class. It was such a good eye candy film. Saif Ali kHan looked hot and the new girl vidya balan looked stunning. The sets, artefact etc were a visual delight. wow! It makes one feel good to see all that glitz. Back home I thought life would be cool, I would unwind watching frasier and go off to sleep. But then I checked my mail and I had got some info from carnegie mellon that they had not got my information form and my financial forms.Gosh was I scared. I was shitting in my pants. I did not stop to think it was illogical. How could I get the DS form if they had not got the financial forms? Anyway I broke into cold sweat and I was wondering what would happen. I searched for my duplicate copy of the information form and one paper was missing from that. My mum was summoned and she was searching one cupboard and I was searching another. Then I finally decided to mail them that I would bring the duplicate copies, once I would reach there. Just as I opened my mail box I got a mail from Linda Smith (Administrator Incharge of Masters Affairs) to disregard the previous mail. They had got all the info. I was so mad and happy. I mailed her back " God Bless! I was so scared". That must have hit her. She replied back saying that she was sorry.


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