Life is unpredictable

I was deeply upset when I heard that Chandramohan committed suicide. He was someone I met when I went to India in June. We went tennis shopping and caught up at mocha. He would have been the last person that I would have thought would kill himself. But he did. Really sick! You never know what happens in those last crazy moments. It has made me realize the importance of life and how it's important to cherish every good moment.
My mentor at work had a heart attack. He's better now. I just visited him today at the hospital. I heard this soon after I came back from thanksgiving. I just don't understand life anymore. You never know what will happen. It just suddenly hits you. I am thankful to God for all the happiness I've received till now. I hope that I will be strong enough to handle other major difficulties in life.
I had a beautiful thanksgiving. I met up with my favourite girlfriends in charlotte and atlanta. I bond a lot with my friends from undergrad and they will remain my closest. They know me inside out and I love them. In fact last week would have been tough, had I not had that break. Seeing them made all the pain go away.
To all those folks reading my blog, please do call me if you are in any pain and you don't know who to turn too. I will be there for you. I'll drop everything and come by your side. I'll do anything for my friends. Don't take hasty decisions. It really does hurt the people you leave behind!
God Bless you all! VISHNU ALLLAH JESUS!


Su said…
Babe. I was touched by this post. I have the ' best' week-end with you in Houston. Love you and miss you so much and YOU HAVE TO BE THERE FOR MY WEDDING.
Vivek Manjeri said…
Yo Priyanka,
So true . Happened to me on July 16'th 2005 ,i know how that feels.Hang on there ,life is the craziest puzzle u'll ever encounter.

Cheer up
Indy said…
Sweetum, I thought that the bestest event in your life warranted atleast a few lines of typing in your blog, but I dont see any!? is it coz, your post wont do justice to how you feel?:D anyways, cant tell how happy I am for you!

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