Lovely Weekend

The bright spot in my life now is the weekend. I mean it was like that before too but now that S is here there is some force to push you out of the house. Last weekend I went to cloud lan canyon to celebrate S's birthday. It was so very different, a nice 8 mile hike and we reached a scenic spot. The canyon expanded into a vast expanse which was Tennessee. At the very spot S cut the cake I baked. It was quite nice. Quite a different birthday. The fall colors added to the beauty. We watched Michael clayton in the evening and then went over to another cake cutting ceremony.
Of course sunday came and I slept. My body was too tired to do more.
Atlanta has a new Saravanabhavan. The crowd to get in was a mile long. I was losing my patience but except for the wait, the dosais were great. Of course SB is only good for the dosais. Other things aren't that good. The bisibela was a disappointment. Well that gets me thinking, woodlands is probably the best place for bisibela.
Anyway talking about food, I've been trying out a couple of dishes this week. Some came out well and some not.
I do not want to write about my week. It's becoming traumatic and I feel I cannot handle the stress at work. So long weekend...Friday will be here soon!


M said…
romba cute ah yezhdirukke papu :)



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