
Showing posts from 2008

Devastation in Houston

This is the scene from my apartment complex. Hurricane Ike was very devastating. We still feel the effects. I always thought that the American media exaggerates. So I did take the storm lightly. Boy was I wrong! I should have gone to Atlanta away from the storm. However it was a well learned lesson. I've also realized that you may like people but not their actions. A natural disaster made me realize this. Here are some pictures from my apartment

Inequality - Is there a glass ceiling?

Today my husband and me were chatting in the evening. I was telling him about a great speaker whom I just listened to a couple of days back in a "Women at MyOffice" club meeting. He got terribly frustrated. He wondered why we had to have these women's clubs? This definitely adds to the segregation. Why be treated special? Then he went on to ranting about how women in IIT were useless and then says they didn't even look pretty. Of course that got me upset and I decided to defend my sex. After the hour long battle, we gave up and decided to talk about the N-Deal. Anyways let me not get started on that. After that I started reflecting on why these so called clubs had started. I was a part of women at school of CS at CMU as well. I think here in the US, they do see that these are ways of motivating women to get into engineering or help women at work. Yes we do see fewer women at research firms and so a club gives them a boost. Though I hate to agree with the husba...

Some thoughts that often strike me!

This is something absolutely personal that I am sharing on public space. Buh....Hmmm...Ommm..... I sometimes get really jealous when I look at glossy pictures of people having fun. There are these bunch of people from my past life who I have absolutely no relation with. These people constantly seem to have fun even now. Let me be more specific, they were the "cool" bunch in one of the institutions that I studied at. I was the kid who was there but not quite. If you know what I mean, the dorky kid but not quite. It's been a really long time after that period of my life has passed. However, I still get all worried and would like to have the same kind of life they have. It's this yearning to be "in", to fit in. I mean I fit in at work et all. But it's still not that cool kind of fitting in. It bothers me that I've not grown out of it. I mean I am 26 for God sake. Why do I still have those pangs? Will I grow out of it? I probably won't. That I am sur...

Now a great performance appraisal!

I was all charged up for a one to one battle with my boss as I prepared for my annual appraisal. I went in practicing the speech that I had prepared. I put on my serious contemplative look. I was in for a battle. I enter the room and he gives me this great speech about how great I've been to the team. A wonderfully written note and a great bonus. I retreated like an animal with my tail between my legs. I added of course that I would not do UI work anymore. He said he only asked me to do that as I was the only one on the team, who had used that UI component. So Life is better now......I'm stumped.