Some thoughts that often strike me!
This is something absolutely personal that I am sharing on public space. Buh....Hmmm...Ommm..... I sometimes get really jealous when I look at glossy pictures of people having fun. There are these bunch of people from my past life who I have absolutely no relation with. These people constantly seem to have fun even now. Let me be more specific, they were the "cool" bunch in one of the institutions that I studied at. I was the kid who was there but not quite. If you know what I mean, the dorky kid but not quite. It's been a really long time after that period of my life has passed. However, I still get all worried and would like to have the same kind of life they have. It's this yearning to be "in", to fit in. I mean I fit in at work et all. But it's still not that cool kind of fitting in. It bothers me that I've not grown out of it. I mean I am 26 for God sake. Why do I still have those pangs? Will I grow out of it? I probably won't. That I am sur...