Atlanta Calling!

This weekend, I went to atlanta to meet my soul mates from undergrad, Gopi and Divya. It was supposed to be a reunion Gopi, Divi, Indie, Raji and me. BUt Raji dropped out in the beginning itself because of the new orleans disaster. Indie was supposed to come till the last minute and then she had to cancel her ticket because her cousin was visiting her from england this weekend. And Indie being Indie forgot to look up this simple detail when booking her tickets to atlanta. Annway I was seriously upset that she was not there but was looking forward to meeting gopika and divya.
So I left pittsburg at 3:00 PM by the 28X flyer which drops one off at the airport. I reached the airport at 4:30 PM for a 6:00 PM flight. But hey better late than never:-) So I went in and then looked around the pittsburg airport for a while and then waited in the boarding lounge. The learnings were that I had to take the metro to reach the gate from where I had to board. Such a difference from Indian Airports. Boy do these people have money or what!!
I reached atlanta by 8:00 PM and then took the metro again to reach the baggage claim. Gopika was waiting for me there and I was so happy to see her. Divya's flight arrived 10 minutes later and wow we were altogether. We had dinner at the airport itself. Then Gopika drove us in her accura to the hotel comfort inn where we were staying. It's called an inn but it was far from it. A very very comfortable room. Queen sized beds!! Good fun. We got ready after reaching the hotel and went to a nearby disco. It was really nice. Divya and me embarrased gopika by dancing like crazy pigs. We did bharathnatyam, boxing, played tennis and then basketball and ended up doing the bhangra. Gopika was so mad but we could not care less, we knew no one in atlanta. She kept telling us "everyone is looking at you!!". Well they played a lot of hip hop and only hip hop and hip hop. After the good workout session, we headed back to the hotel, tired to the bones.
We woke up only at 12:00 PM the next day. Then we chatted till about 2:00 PM. I forgot to mention, the hotel provided free breakfast, so we woke up at 8, ate and came back and slept:-)
We set out for lunch after this. We went to french/greek restaurant and had roasted portabello for lunch. It was okay. Can you believe it that most soups in the US are made of chicken broth.? So its quite tough for vegeterians!! After that we went to lennox mall and generally window shopped. I was tempted at one shop and bought a top. And then pondered over it for about half an hour and then finally decided to buy it. Divya bought a jeans at the same place. The shop's name was express. It's supposed to be one of the good stores here.
We came to the hotel and then watched the US open finals. We also watched some american football. Gopika's college was playing against another and she explained the intricacies of the game to us. We were so cosy we didn't feel like going out that night but then how could we spend the night in the room after coming to atlanta. So we went out again, this time to another lounge called compound. It had seven dance floors. Gopika got us free passes for it. So we went in there, just in the mood to embarass her again. BUt after a while, we didn't feel like dancing more so we just came back. AFter reaching the room, we again chatted and then went off to sleep.
Sunday morning, we woke up at 7:30 AM, got ready and then headed to have breakfast. After that we headed to the airport and gops dropped us off there. Divya and me had our flights in the same zone and then I boarded my plane and she boarded here and we had the bestest time ever. It was so good to meet in another country and have so much fun. IT really makes you think. Yes the world is a small place and wherever you go, you'll have someone for you. I was lucky my best buddies are here!


Anonymous said…
hey babe your link thru sundi mami's blog.. it a great way to keep in touch with people and know wat's happening in their life.. sounds like your having a blast man !!!! keep the posts coming ..dont get lazy !!!!

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