Israel and Palestine

Its 2 AM and I have a big project submission tomorrow but it's just like me to get irked about some arbitary topic which has no consequence to my life. How did this whole thing start? Why is there such a mess? Why do all the synogogues here have "hail the land of israel" inscribed on them? Blame me on being unaware but I finally read up some stuff so I've decided to fill in my blog with that info.
Apparently there are biblical references where God describes the land of Israel. There is even a map of Israel in the Tanakh. So that map shows Israel as being composed of the modern Israel,westbank and Jordan. Now Great Britain being the meddlesome lot that they were promised the Jews all of palestine. Then suddenly they felt their interests lie with the Arabs. SO they gave Arabs, palestine and did not allow the jews to enter palestine for 25 years. Meanwhile Jews in America were in high posts and were and probably are still a moneyed lot. So they stuck their guns in Israel. So now the west generally thinks of Israel as their property against the middle east. The Muslim Arabs and the modern Arab governments want a single Arab nation occupying the entire Middle East. That's not going to happen till ISrael is out of the picture so there will be a lot more bloodshed until Israel is out.
The situation is as bad as Jammu and Kashmir. It is so messy and I wish someone would unmess it! It's at such times I don't understand what organizations like the United Nations do. I mean they are just like puppets infront of the capitalists like the US. They could not stop Afghanistan bombing, Iraq and then maybe Iran? What are you doing? Wake up International court of Justice!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
"O Jerusalem" by Dominique La Pierre and Larry Collins - read it, won't you? Been planning a revisitation it to early to understand a thing (adhigaprasangithanaa-ah? :D!).
Good to hear all this is making you sit up- atleast WWIII won't be SUCH a big surprise to us when it comes....
Enough doomsday prophecizing ...
And oh, in defence of the ICJ- it can only take jurisdiction when both state parties submit to its jurisdiction, or advisory opinions through referral- its all based on consent of the states concerned eventually. I guess it all comes down to needing a strctural change in the UN , doesn't it? Oh what do I know...some thirld world half bake(d) law student.... nice to finally comment on your blog though. Hope you're doing well :).
Mizohican said…
sensitive topic, you are treading in... By the way, I've just seen Munich. It was a really good movie. Do watch it.

The difference between Kashmir and Israel is, Kashmir is mostly due to territorial dispute on a strategical land mass. But Israel is a much deeper problem, involving two great religions. Hence there is much more sentiments and sacrifices involved. We had war with Pakistan and China invaded us a long time ago. What happened then? Just bloodshed and destruction at the border. But what happened when Babri Masjid got demolished? Riots all over India. Feuds based on religious lines are much more serious than political ones.
Su said…
In Hague...
Pretty vague

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