Weekend ending woes!

This weekend was one of the best I had in this city. We had so much fun that now the very thought of working tomorrow seems daunting. WHY can't every minute be fun??
On friday we had a blast and visited tquilla willy's. What fun. I loved the decor. It was really good. One of the better places I've visited here. I've noticed that people don't pay much attention to interiors as in back home. This I mean for hang out places. So it was refreshing to see something different. Of course we had a fabulous time and did not feel like leaving the place.
Yesterday was valentine weekend. So there was a grad party organized at the Phipps conservatory. It was so beautiful. The food was mainly salads and cheese and wine. So "up market", we would say back home but here it's so blase. Anyway basically there were a lot of single people so as usual we scoffed at the couples and danced away to glory. I met people from so many other departments. It was nice and everyone was friendly. And the music was 70's (also 60's and 50's). Ohhh ..There was "born to be wild", "come on baby light my fire", "next whisky bar". I was screaming like a jackass everytime anything like that played. All in all a great weekend!


Momma J said…
if only we could have fun all the time!! Good to know u had a great weekend :) Tequilla willy's seems like a sure shot if you were downing the Tequila's!!

Wine and Cheese...that mustve been really good.

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