
I seem to be having a blast for the last couple of weeks and it just seems very surreal! One more weekend to add to the list of great weekends I've been having. This week I was at charlotte for my friend's graduation and boy did we have fun! Yesterday after the graduation ceremony we went to this real upmarket place for dinner. It was called "blue". I mean it was like "The Patio" of charlotte. For lack of better comparisons. Though I still think Patio is a shade better:) They had a jazz quartet which was playing along. I really loved it and they played some really nice songs. IT was nice to hear "killing me softly" after ages. I think there is some raw charm in good old strumming. It is so very mood uplifting. So anyway we had ordered Don perignon (250 $- OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD). Then there were all sort of great starters and the head steward there obviously loved the sound of his own voice, so he was droning away to glory!
The vegeterian food was quite crappy but the ambience was par excellent. I wished I was better dressed for the occassion. That was the kind of place where one could wear an evening gown. Anyway so somewhere down the line I thought I must request a dedication for my friend D. D loves "leaving on a jet plane". I thought it would be apt as she's leaving university and all. So anyway I go up to the band and ask the lead guitarist if he could play that for my friend. He asked me to check with the vocalist if she knew the song. So I asked the vocalist and she did not know it. Can you believe it??!!***&&&^^^^ So I told her that I could tell her the lyrics and she told me to sing if I knew the lyrics. So not missing the opportunity, I took the mike and the spotlight was on me. And I crooned away to glory. The people at the front of the stage actually clapped and sang along. D ofcourse was there to cheer me on. I loved the heady feeling I got. I felt like a rock star:) And I can't belive I have the guts to do it!! HE he he...vocal music get ready for the singing talents of "c'est la vie"! I sure would like to take this up somewhere down the road.
So soon after the heavy crooning and dining, we reached back home. We left within half an hour to atlanta. We were sailing the next day. I was so tired. Anyway we reached atlanta by four this morning. Today was the most brilliant day! I've never sailed in my life and it had to be the most exhilirating experience. The person who we went with was a licensed sailor and we actually controlled the sails. It was a great six hour long sail. Wow it was simply superb. Each of us were given responsibilities. I tilled the boat for about an hour and I almost slid down the boat. I felt like my life was flashing in front of my eyes. It was by far the most exciting and dangerous thing that I've ever done. One needs so much skill and control for such things. It's amazing how people develop such hobbies! I sure would like to pick up something like that soon. But then again show me the money. I never seem to have enough of that. Hopefully starting from july all these worries should be gone.
Whenever I'm with D I feel like I'm the host of the lifestyles of the rich and the famous. It's nice to see people enjoying so much. After all we do have only one life I suppose. I am so happy for her. She has a wonderful set of friends. I really bonded with a lot of them. I wish I had so many close friends at pittsburgh. I guess I just need to give it more time. I also feel D has made so many close friends because she's also a giving, sharing and large hearted person. Who wouldn't have friends if they were like her????
Amma I do love you and please do forgive me for not wishing you in time today. You know you're the cuddliest mommy alive and I love you more than anything else. May 14 needs to be martyrs day Amma. You've done so much for all of us. I don't know whether I could grow up to be as great mom as you. LOVE YOU KUKSI!


Su said…
WTF ! Are you friends with Paris Hilton ???? Champagne ?? Jazz ????

A said…
You actually took the mike n sang? Cool, good for u..
Why Am I said…
awesome....u did go there and sing in front of ppl at a restaurant....neato..and u got don perignon??!!!!u luky woman!!..
P said…
Its a 'dom' perignon :)
P said…
Its 'dom' perignon :)
C'est la vie said…
@P point taken and comment moderation is there for losers like you.

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