Mission Impossible III

I have not really read any of the reviews. But I decided to have a girls day out out. So on the cards was shopping and a movie. My room mate agreed as her boy friend was out. Phew! Thank god for small mercies. One needs a good saturday especially after a depressing friday!
So the movie was quite nice. It was a really racy movie. I love these action packed dhishum dhisum and sleek pictures. Tom cruise was just right. Even his girliness did not put me off. Those eyes looked just lovely this time. The gadgets and the guns were just okay and I don't think they were as good as the previous movies. STill there was some charm in the movie. I liked the execution. Especially the last scene at the shanghai towers. So fast and so good. Precision is the word that comes to my mind when I think of this movie. It all timed:) Plus Jonathan Rhys Meyers is hot. I loved his cute australian accent. Can't there be more indian men like this. Makes it so much easier for us girls:) I've seen him in some other movie but cannot place him. I've been racking my brains for so long. Blogger friends please do help if you remember. I think Tom cruise's jaw is his most handsome feature. I don't know how many of you remember but I used to love Ridge's jaw in bold and the beautiful. People with strong jawlines are so gifted. I think it automatically makes them really attractive.
Somehow I was really disappointed with the lead lady in the movie. I mean that kerry woman was so irritating. She is the woman who has to be saved by the "MAN". I wonder if guys even think like that. I mean I wouldn't mind being rescued by tom cruise but still something irritating about the lady. She is the good girl who gets caught by the villian...slightly hindi filmi. I guess that kind of emotions do sell here too.
Anyway all in all I liked the movie. It's a good one time watch. NOt par excellent but watchable.
Apart from that I shopped and so I'm elated. There is nothing like shopping to lift one's mood.


Story Teller said…
Ah..after a restful weekend, started the day off by reading your review... nice way to start the monday morning i guess.. anyways.. with regard to your queries, i guess some fellow bloggers will help you out...hehe... but i do remember watching B&B when i was in schools... every year when i pass out my school grades, it still used to run on TV.. I guess our Selvi will match it!
Su said…
I love reading updates on Suri, Cruise and Holmes. The funniest news bit was how the Japanese had a good laugh about the name " Suri" . It apparently means "pick-pocket" in Japanese. So much for Cruise and Holmes saying their daughter's name means " Red Rose".

Hmm.....my athimber who died was called Suri.

Guess what P and S mean in Angollan ???? Probably means " beyatches"

Am liking it
C'est la vie said…
@paranoia don't make me laugh like this:)

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