It''s nearing!

It's been ages since I wrote on this blog and it seems almost strange to start typing after so long. Since su and others have been bitching, I decided lets just try. So the big thing that is happening in my life is that I'll be Mrs P in less than a month. I cannot believe it. It does not feel very different because my life is not going to change post September. I'll be in Houston still and S in Atlanta. Of course the commuting is going to be crazy. Getting married seems to be like a disease. Everyone is getting hitched. There are just two people from my undergrad group who are left to tie the knot. A lot of people from my school too have got married. Last month was A. Before that S. R will be getting married next year and I heard the other R too. Gosh it's crazy!
I guess in India the chances of finding a lonely person is quite remote. If anyone is lonely they are most probably hooked to another person by family or friends. This is what happens. However in America this is not the case. So is India a happier nation? I'm not sure if I can answer that either. Of course without getting into statistics I can safely say we are less negative than here.
On the topic of marriage, it is a crazy thing. I mean two people have to take an oath that they'll spend the rest of their lives together. If one thinks deeply about it. It's seems like that's a little too much to ask of two people. However two is better than one at solving problem that life throws at us. This is probably how the concept of marriage started. Of course if one does think very much about marraige then one is scared to take the plunge. I'm not as scared as I was before because S is a really decent human being and I really like him. He does get on my nerves a couple of times but I'm easily able to get over it. He's probably the best suited person for me. He's gives me my space and at the same time makes sure he knows what is happening at my end everyday. I'm so glad that I found someone like him to take the plunge. It makes marriage sound less daunting with a guy like him.
I had always wanted someone with whom you could talk about anything. He is one such guy. He's also always willing to try out new things. Loves to be active just like me, even though we both are not athletes. It was a lot of fun playing squash the other day at Georgia tech rec center. Discussing politics,fractals,music and research(I never thought I would be doing this:))!
I'll be leaving soon to get to India to take part in all the festivities and celebrations for the big day. It's going to be a lot of fun meeting up with family and friends. I'm sure it's going to be absolutely chaotic too. What with so much family around?? We'll probably drive each other up the wall:) Then there is maldives...Thinking of all the traveling that will happen, I'm already drained. Hopefully maldives will help us recover. I'm super excited now.....I AM THE BRIDE!!!!


Su said…
Yayyy. You're back. Nice post :)
Su said…
Pri and S sitting on a tree
Mrs Pri and S sitting in Maldives


Devvi said…
welcome Home Miss Bride :-)

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