Last Day at SFO

My last day included visiting salesforce, juniper networks and VM ware. Salesforce was beautiful. It is located in the heart of san francisco. That city is so beautiful. From the eight floor, the view of the company was breath taking. As usual we got a warm welcome. The chief architect gave us a detailed presentation. It was good. What worries me though is the security issues. Basically the service is open to whole wide world. Any prankster can play hanky panky with the service. Of course on the contrary I think the on demand model is superb. Who would have thought 5 years back that internet was going to change people's lives like this?
The valley is such a trend setter. It's the best place to be if one wants to live and breathe technology and truly be high tech.
The next company we visited was VM ware they are into virtualization software. It was again a great technical presentation by an MIT guy. It was too technical for me though. One would have to be interested in OS programming. Tough to crack!
Lastly we visited juniper networks started by a CMU alum Pradeep Singh. He was so excited to see us and the company treated us like kings. It was nice. If I was into networks, this is the company I'll be at.


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