Life goes on...

I have not blogged for two days. This is what happened. On sunday I swam and played squash an sort of felt a little good because I got to do some physical exercise. Sunday night the indian student association organised an Independance day celebration. We painted a fence at CMU tricolored and just socialised with some Indian folks. There are a lot of Indians out here. We sort of form the majority of the International students. The sour point was that there was only cake and no free food:-(
On monday our department called us for a welcome luncheon. It was really nice. The staff were very friendly and we had a good introduction to software engineering by one professor, Anthony. All the people here are very funny and extremely articulate. There is something to learn from that.
Today is the first day of our International orientation. We reached here at 8:15 grabbed some doughnuts and coffee and had some good introduction about the US way of life. The OIE (office of International eductaion) organised the whole thing. I just came after having lunch (which we cooked and brought to cmu...suggestion of days to come) and finishing immigration check in.
I just opened my mail box and the first thing I read was a mail from my dad saying that fido died. I am heartbroken. What are we doing in this life? Something like this just shakes you up. All those mundane things dont matter. Life itself is temporary.It is really sad. Anyway despite saying all this life must go on. It is really sad but there is nothing else I can say!!!! Fido may your soul rest in peace. You were the best brother (i never thought of you as a canine) I ever had!


Indy said…
Yes Fido was a sweet heart!!! I feel bad too!

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