Thank God it's Friday!

Today we had a break from orientation. We have two days before class starts. On Sunday we have a picnic with the department. I hope it will be fun. Yesterday Gopika and Divya called up and made my day. It was so much fun talking to them. I was to go to georgia but tickets were a little too expensive. Well I am planning to definitely meet up with them before I go. What's the point of coming here otherwise? Hopefully when sriram comes something will work out.
So today I took part in a psychology study and earned 20 bucks. I was so thrilled. GReat to make money to spend. we had to play two unbelievably simple and interesting games to play and earn the bucks. God it was good. Now that we earned the bucks we decided to spend it! So I had chinese food and my friend had indian . Mine sucked but hers was okay. This place called tech streets has trucks or mobile units which serve food. It sort of reminded me of PSG Tech back gate. Except there you get yummier things for 10 rupees rather than something yucky for 150. I guess I should never convert but it's been only three weeks.
The best part of today was the fitness sampler. The carnegie mellon fitness school ran a fitness sampler for free. You sort of get a feel of all the fitness classes available on campus. SO we started at one 'o clock and stopped at three. We did socaerobics, hip hop, african jazz and then aerobic fitness. Boy was it fun!!! Right now my legs feel like jelly fish and I feel like I've torn a couple of ligaments but it was real fun. Hip hop was so tough. I mean you have to twist and turn your body and the girl who taught us was from tepper school. Wow brains and body! She could twist and turn. Amazing stuff!! All these things give me a lot of pleasure. As they say it is the "land of dreams". I don't know if I will be saying the same once my classes start and it gets cold but better to say pleasant things now when you feel like and have a chance!


Indy said…
Oh tell me abt it! been wanting to go to georgia for such a long time..neways..wil call ya today n try n go to the fitnessplace whenever u can..when sem starts thats the only place u can take ur mind off from acads!!have fun :)

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