Lurray Cavern

We visited lurray cavern on monday. We started from the house at 8 AM. The drive was very picturesque. S told me it would be better during spring. It was beautiful neverthless. Driving uphill here is definitely better than india because it is not steep and more gradual. S was an efficient driver. So we reached there by 11 AM. Then we spent an hour at the caves. The caves have formation based on water and salt deposits. One attraction was a place where the caves played music. At each place where there was a different shape, an electro-mechanical hammer was used to strike these rocks at fixed time intervals. The result different notes and sinful music. It is great to see how creative people can get. Even the "jala taranga" was discovered like this.
After that we went to a maze and tried getting out of it. I felt like I was in the crystal maze:-) We did it with amazing speed. I mean we got out in twenty minutes. After that we visited the car museum. They had a lot of vintage cars their. Actually more like it traced the history of cars. What I liked about the exhibits were the models with them. It also showed the people of that century. So it was very real.
Again hats off to S for planning the trip.


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