Snow, Skis and pain

I signed up for a SKI trip organized by graduate student wing at school because I felt I must do something different. I mean for a person from the tropics getting to do something in snow is bloody exciting. So we left in the morning at 6:45 AM for seven spring ski resort. Though it hasn't snowed for a week at pitt these people kind of preserve the snow with some chemicals and something else. So we entered seven springs and it was really cold. The person from the tropics was of course well equipped. Three layers of sweaters followed by the BIG FAT UGLY red jacket. But a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do when it's below freezing.
So after the initial ski lesson we learnt the basics of sking. Then it was upto us to practics and try stuff. So I skied for about 6 hours yesterday and right now my feet feel like jelly fish and my hand and feet are swollen.
The thing about sking is that one needs to learn from your mistake everytime you fall. But me being a slow learner, took me longer than usual to ski once without falling. In the beginning I kept track of the number of times I was falling. Then I gave up 'cos it was too much to keep track of!!!
Finally at 6:28 PM just when I was about to leave I executed a perfect roll. I skied from one of the slopes in great speed and stopped like a champion. I was so excited I screamed and everybody joined in and congratulated me. That was one thing about seven springs, all fellow skiers encourage beginners. That really helps.
So then I hung up my 10 pound boots (yuck how do people skate with that) and my ski gears and left for home with a lighter happier heart:-)
I must say that after this trip my respect for figure skaters and penguins has gone up. Figure skaters for their ability to balance in slippery conditions and penguins for their ability to lug themselves around with so much snow. Bravo!


Devvi said…
Hey Pri,
thats really cool. Do post your heroic poses if you have :-)
Devvi said…
Hey Pri,
thats really cool. Do post your heroic poses if you have :-)
rags said…
very well written.I am proud of you. Dad

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