Songs being stuck in your head!

Sometimes there is a song stuck in your head and no matter what you do, it never goes out of your mind. Most of these songs are cheesiest tamil or hindi numbers. SO I think of other songs to prevent these raunchy numbers from replaying in my mind.
I wonder if this happens to a lot of people??
So today I woke up and while I was humming to myself in the shower, what should be the song that props up?? "Ramnarayan" (that cheesy govinda number) !YES!!! So that just would not get out of my mind. So I tried remembering other songs. I had a lot of wierd songs playing in my mind all throughout this morning because of that. I tried "sound of music" ('Maria and being nunly'). Then because of that hangover I had "I am sixteen.." going on. I infact told this guy "you need someone to care of you"! He thought I was mad. Now "turn me on" by Norah Jones. Atleast it is better than last week's "kaizaloo". Yeah blame it on my limited marathi experience:) .


ESIH said…
oh yeah i remember Ramnarayan, baja bajata..ehehe..tht was cheesy n funny!!and no its actually true, i have caught myself hum tht song couple of times too :P..thnx for dropping by:)..n encouraging!
Su said…
Oh God ! Beeyatch ! Thanks to you ...that song is playing in my head now . Never in a 100 years did I think that I would hear this song again

Ram Narayan Baja Bajata ......joom joom joom joom ..jhoomka lagata ...

That disgusting govinda :)

Remember " Sarkayilo Khatiya Jaada lage ...."
Su said…
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C'est la vie said…
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Story Teller said…
hahaha...missing govinda now, what is he doing in politics?

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