Cylab presentation

Today was the cylab poster presentation. It went off really well. Cylab works in close contact with the department of defense and homeland security. So there were people from there and company sponsors. It was nice to explain our project to boeing and JP morgan chase. They were pretty excited about it. I guess it made also confident about my product. I think it has a lot of potentital. It was also a proud moment for me to be amongst such great people. It also increased my own confidence. I mean I can hold my own against a lot of these guys. I also found some commendable work being done with eclipse plugin development at the conference. I wish I could do more of that at my work place. But I'm not sure if western geco does that.
I did get an offer from another company too. It does seem so surreal now. I hope I'm not suddenly struck by some lightning:) As my saying goes "when it rains it pours and when it doesn't rain it doesn't pour!". Amma and Dad will be proud!


ESIH said…
cool!! it actually took me sometime to figure it was your blog :D..I am so glad you had a nice time in Chicago..have fun!
Momma J said…
You go girl!!! Congratulations!!

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