
As Mahesh Bhupathi said, "When the chips are down you can't trust anyone better than Paes to do the job for India in Davis Cup". So we beat Pakistan and Paes proved that killer instict and confidence can get you thru a game. Good Job Paes!
So there is a fair amount of effort being spent these days on counselling friends who have got hurt by their stupid boyfriends. This is to all those women who get hurt by those mean men!
If you want to give them the message then there is no better way than quoting the following lines from Alanis Morissette.
"And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know"

If he bugs you too much you can say "I never really loved you anyway":) And girls say this to yourselves "I will survive"!


Su said…
Paes and Rhea Pillai had a kid. Er...they aint married ! The pillai is er...kinda illegitimate

Experiences make us least it sounds politically correct to say so
Indy said…
Not to forget the advice you give to ur single friends ;)
Devvi said…
good lines Pri, I appreciate your counselling efforts. Women are born to survive and Shine and not to get screwed up :-)
Anonymous said…

Atleast you coulda given me some credit.
C'est la vie said…
@vika jali
Of course you are the inspiration for most of my blogs:)

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