Loosing your self respect

Never in my life have I thought it's cool to be drunk. There is always such a hue and cry being made about being cool by partying. Today we had the annual GSA wine tasting party. IT was a classy event. There were a fine selection of red and white wines and also a jazz quartet. Unfortunately, I got stuck with a bunch of people who's only aim in life was getting drunk on wine:) IT was funny upto a point. After that it was simply chaotic. Everyone was suddenly talkative. To top all of this, I was incharge of getting nine drunk people home. Never have I been so stressed in my life before. I thought I would get high blood pressure. Now in hindsight it is funny. I mean all those people were acting wonky. I over reacted before but now it is fine. I guess people want to loosen up. However, I don't think I would ever do that to myself. Never!


Story Teller said…
um...that's good... i'm glad for that...:)

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