Madras nalla madras

That just had to be my blog title. I have been having such a blast here that I am seriously rethinking on my plans of going back to the US of A. I guess it is always nice to be on holiday:) From day one I have been not only visting temples and relatives but also actively partying. I've just come back from a bangalore darshan and that city never ceases to amaze me. It is definitely a paradoxical city. On one side you have these beautiful IT offices and clubs and discos and investment banking firms and shopping get the picture right? The roads and the traffic on the other hand suck! I wonder why all that money cannot be pumped into the roads?
Madras is definitely better in those terms.
Anyway apart from all that India still does rock. I mean I am only reminded of the line in Shantaram(a good read by the way) "In india people know how to love". I really will miss all the love and affection. I am sure that's what is going to make me come back. Anyway this stint is only going to be for a couple of months. So lets see how things go after that.
I have visited a lot of clubs in the city, what with the FIFA fever all around. One thing that strikes me is that people seem to have a lot of money to spend. We're so aping our western counterparts that I'm really unsure if any of the new generation would save anything:) I am hoping that my story should be different.


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