War ship cruise

I had this opportunity to go on a war ship cruise into the bay of bengal the other day. I seized the opportunity. Who wouldn't? It was simply out of the world. The Indian Navy chief at madras is known to my dad and he had some space on his ship and the jobless one was sent to see the splendour of the ocean. So one friday morning I set out to the navy docks at INS adyar and set aboard sukanya. She was beautiful. Gigantic but very well poised. She was truly a class apart. I could imagine her if she were a person wearing a crisp cotton saree, a beautiful handbag, lovely sandals and neatly dressed. I imagined that she would be one of those ladies who would carry out intelligent conversations. Anyway so we boarded sukanya and travelled her length and breadth. I checked out her quater deck. A helicopter was there resting but ready to take off. The navy crew showed us many operation. Take off and landing of helicopters aboard sukanya. Firing from HMG shooting a rocket target. That was really dangerous. The rocket slowly approaching your ship and there is constant firing and just 50 mts away from you the rocket is shot. If the target is missed then you would not exist to tell the tale. We went to the control room and had a look at the radar and GPS systems. Seemed really top of the shacks and world class! We also saw how the sailors find out the depth of the ocean. They do that using SONAR object. WOw finally all the physics lessons paid off some dividends.I was not dumbstruck!
Lunch was scrumptious aboard sukanya and these navy people seem to have a lot of money. There were flat plasma screens TVs everywhere and also stand-up split ACS.
Finally the ship we visited was the one that the president had boarded a couple of weeks back. So we also got to see some pictures of APJ and many autographed pictures:)All in all a great experience!