Houston here I am!

It's my first week in Houston and what can I say??
IS it hotting up?
Yes it is and I really am looking forward to the action. My mood swings every day. I am really brave in the morning then things go haywire. I get all worked up and scared and wonder whether I can manage on my own. Then my inner voice gives me a little shout and tells me "this is why you came here to take a job. To be independent remember???". Then I am back to being tough. It really does not make it easy to know that my two best friends in texas are moving out of this state. Indie leaves by the end of the month and sri will move soon. Man!!! Why does GOD do this?
My training starts first thing on Tuesday. I am reporting to work on Monday. I have fixed up a studio apartment for the time being. This is fully furnished and a girl from office lives there. She also takes the bus and is Indian. That will help in the beginning till I get my bearings. Houston is a place that is really huge and everyone drives. They will drive even if it is 2 blocks away. Phew and to survive in a place like this without driving is going to be killing!
I have been meeting a lot of really nice people who are friends of the family. Everyone seems very sweet and helping. I'm also being the ill-mannered brute and taking the help. I guess I am quite helpless now and I've never been the type who's like self-sufficient. It does help to take help. I know now that I am a social animal. I'm not your typical party animal but I need my set of friends to survive. I love that feeling. Being alone is not my cup of tea. Let me see how Houston changes that.
I am hoping to do a lot in this one year. I figured that I should get all my enjoyment this year because I'm sure from next year there would be a pressure to "settle down". Spinster years are the best and I'm going to make sure that I have a blast. So tennis, music lessons, guitaring and work it is. Please don't forget to check out the order of things :)
I hope I have not made a lot of spelling mistakes. A friend of mine told me once that he was able to know it was me when I had texted him once because of my spelling errors. That hit me below the belt. I've decided to make a conscious effort to cut down on the errors. In fact I think it's good to put all that we write under a spell check!


Su said…
I'm in Texas also. Umm....I'd like to come and see you but since someone hit you below the stomach you'll be going all ' ou ou ou' . Lets drink some cheap wine, cry about our lowe lives and act all dorky :)
C'est la vie said…
@paranoia- I would love for you to come over. That would really be super. Cheap wine rocks but sadly I have no love life to talk about. How about we discuss yours????

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