That's the only word that comes to my mind. It's my third week at H and I am getting used to everything. There is a new office, a new boss, new friends, new home, new bedsheets, new utensils, new laptop(at work)...PHEW!! The list goes on and on. I almost had a mild heart attack last week as I could not find my way back from walmart. Well anyway finally managed to call a cab and come back home. I was wallowing in self-pity and felt quite bad for myself. But once I came back home and made myself mango juice in my new blender:), I was back to normal. All it takes to cheer me up is food! I guess I'm really an easy girl to please.Pretty low- maintenance!
Anyway so I've joined a non profit organization here which does some social work with NGOs back in India. I figured I'd be happy and will get to meet some like minded people. I've met a couple of nice people thru this organization. I've played tennis over two weekends with one of the guys I met thru this. This will all add numbers to my friends list and "loneliness" will not figure.
I've met this really nice couple and we've been getting along like house on fire. The girl and me have really hit it off. She is Indian and the guy is American and they really are an amazing couple. Damn sweet and helpful. They helped me move to my new house. Whenever I meet such genuine people who offer to help people they don't know from ADAM, your faith in humanity is reinstilled.
Office has been kind of okay. I did not have much work last week. Today I had loads. I am really unsure how i'll finish it. I'm building over a frameweork much like my exlipse pluggin development. Also I've been having long drawn conversations with the project manager on Project management and architecture. In fact he has decided to incorporate a couple of ideas that I gave him in the process and the architecture too. It's nice that I have not joined a typical software firm. Imagine me telling this to my PM in a typical software firm. He would ask me to bugger off I am sure!
That's all there is to write now.


ESIH said…
tell me abt getting lost in a new city!! been through it, done it all!! have fun dudette! will call you this weekend..:)

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