Three cheers to SU!

This weekend confirmed what I always knew. There is nothing like girlfriends hanging out. I've always had the most fun with my girl friends. This weekend was no better. I met SU after 5 years and we just reconnected. No ackwardness and we just took off from where we left off. It's so amazing to have such a comfort level with people. It's great to be yourself and su you really are the best!
I also had something significant happen to me this week. It was my sign to move ahead in life. I thank that special person. That person is really a decent soul. May you find happiness and remain like this forever:) I wish you all the very best in life. You deserve it.
Life goes on in it's hectic pace. There is so much to do. I've found a tennis buddy and we've been playing now for three days in a row. I hope this continues ...It's the best form of exercise. Especially for me with so much food around!!!


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