Too much to handle!!!

I am quite fed up of the amount of work that one has to do here. I mean one has to be so alert otherwise, one would get cheated. I am so fed up of being so alert. I've already lost so much in so many stupid deals. I'm unsure whether I will learn from all this. I've had a raw deal in many many things that I've bought over the past few years. I get hurt by my stupidness but I guess one should just go on. I spent 24$ on a local call in india using my credit card. Can you imagine how stupid I was? Anyway now looks like cingular might cream my ass with another deal! I'm the only moron who has paid 50 bucks for a time warner installation. Only idiot who paid 50$ every month with an old phone! Only one to pay a non refundable deposit on my apartment!PHEW!PHEW!PHEW!
On a brighter note other things seem okay. I went to the museum of natural sciences with a colleague from work. It was nice. I think one can only really enjoy a museum if you go with another lady. Gosh last week I went to an aquarium with some boys and some of them were creating such a ruckus. It was simply unpardonable and embarassing to say the least! All they seem to ever want to do is smoke and get drunk:) ANyway poor souls were quite sweet to me. Tolerated my cries and took me to all the places I wanted to go. SO God bless all their souls!! Especially GOD bless S. One should have a temple in his name. He's such a sweetie!


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