my post's gone!

I am heartbroken. This is what happens when you try to mimic someone. I tried adding music to my blog and now I have nothing for the texan weekend blog. What a pity!! This makes you think that only paper will last. It has survived 200 years and I am sure will last another 200 years. And just yesteday I was using floppy disks to hold data and today my laptop does not have a reader for it! Gosh. So why am I writing a blog? Dunno I guess i am pure lazy to write in my diary that amma bought me from jaipur:-)
On friday we had a rather later Navrathri celebrations at pittsburgh. It was nice to see a lot of ABCS dressed to their best and I felt ugly as usual (Please read this playing ugly by Jovi in the background as i can't risk attaching it to my blog:-( ). I wanted to stay later but unfortunately my room mate was leaving so i was forced to leave. I later found that there were buses available till 12. Damn! This always happens to me. I keep wondering whether I'll just wilt one day without having any fun!!!
The problem with me is prioritization. In my twenty three years of existence, I still grapple with knowing what's important and what's not. I hate being so uncertain always. Last week, I attended this session by the eclipse user group at CMU. Each person there was brighter than the other. I felt so dumb! Wow it was an amazing feeling. When will I be in a setting where I feel thatI am the best. God please answer that.


Anonymous said…
Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good;
A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly;
A flower that dies when first it 'gins to bud;
A brittle glass that 's broken presently;
A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower,
Lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour.

The Passionate Pilgrim. SHAKESPEARE.

Who never doubted, never half believed,
Where doubt there truth is--'tis her shadow.

A Country Town. P.J. BAILEY

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