Ha ha...Do I need someone

Life is a joke sometime. I mean it plays out like that in front of you. You feel like laughing. I could not believe when my mum and dad gave me a serious lecture on getting married. I guess every indian girl goes through this phase when her parents say "Babe it's time you get married". And I say why?? WHy should I settle down? Who makes the rules?
I found Mehul's blog on median males hilarious. It's not very different here. I mean we girls also search for that perfect guy who'll like us "as we are" a la Mark Darcy style in Bridget Jones. So we meet many guys who we would like to probably go out with but it's often the case that :-
1. Either we're tongue tied in asking...I mean how many women are actually that bold 21 st century types??
2. If we finally do manage to tell the guy, he's either married, hooked (this happened to one friend of mine) or he's in another continent (and we're killing ourselves for being so dumb)!
3.He does not like us back (this can be shattering to the light hearted femme)
So what we women do is stick to the safe path. Be independant! We don't need a man in our life. Get degrees, have varied interests and think we're damn smart. Life is good and you love it. I mean you don't feel lonely, how can you?? You're doing 1000 things in a day. So it shocks us when our parents tell us to find someone.
I mean can we settle down now?? We like it like this parents!
So why am I rambling all this..I don't know aren't these what blogs are meant for??

Girls what do ya think???


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