Swimming, Music and Green card

Yesterday the weather was glorious. The sun was shining warmly and it just radiated so much warmth. I never knew the weather could do so much for one's mood. I was so happy and that it showed in the lilt in my walk. I went to carnegie library. I've been wanting to do it for long but something keeps preventing me from doing that. Well yesterday I got over all that and went there. I spent a good one hour looking at the books and then DVDs and music. I picked up this movie called "Green card" starring Andie Mcdowell and Gerard Depardieu. And another vague art movie. I'm trying to gain appreciation for things that I've done before:-) I also picked up some african music. Lets see how the listening experience goes.
I went for a swim yesterday. It was great. I mean what amazes me is that the inflexible pudgy body becomes so acrobatic under water. I was so drained after that but felt really light after that. I swam for about an hour and boy was that tiring.
Finally work beckoned so I worked on composing music for my intro to music class. I was wrapped up in that for about two hours with no visible results. There is so much work when one needs to be creative. I love bumming around and it's been a long time since i've pushed myself to work hard. I like this feeling........hope it does not get too addictive.
Finally I came back home and finished off this book "Any place where I can hang my hat". It was a real good book. I have been criticized before for my apparent love for "chick lit" but moi I liked this book. The girl is always iffy about acting before doing any task. It sort of reminded me about my own trauma with taking decisions:-)
I loved it and lapped it up. The author handles the girl's dilemma and emotions very well. A good read.
Finally "green card" was such a bad movie. I mean Andie and Gerard looked a little too dull and who is interested in watching romance between a dull couple. I mean it was supposed to be a romantic comedy. I didn't laugh at all. I was disappointed. I would say never judge a book by it'c cover. I hope the art movie is worth the watch!


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