Day two San Francisco

The day started with breakfast with David Steiner. He works for pricewater house coopers. He spoke about career in professional services. It was a really good talk. It was just half an hour but more of an interactive session so it was good. Of course for a career there one would have to look at taking at least some minor courses in finance.
The first company we visited was broadcom. The chief technology officer was CMU alum. He was really humorous but he was not very clear and I could not understand the technology. I think it’s amazing to see the kind of work these chip companies are doing. Of course it’s something that clearly does not align with my skill set. But I find what they do something like rocket sciences. The response at broadcom was good though. They seemed like they would like to hire us.
The next company that we visited was tellme networks. It is a startup company. They deal with companies that provide voice services. They are planning to move into voice based search. It was really fascinating. I especially liked their CTO, Brad. He is MIT alum. He compared and contrasted the advantages of being in company like tellme and google. I found that some things he said were so true. For example a company like tellme had gone through a downturn so it knew what to expect. On the other hand google has been riding on a high. He wasn’t sure how google would be able to handle an economic downturn. Probably that is a cynical view of looking at things but he is being practical. He knows that every company will go through lows and highs. I found that interesting. Other topics he talked about was web 2.0 and group calling. I have started looking that up now.
The next company we visited was sun micro systems. There are only two words to express my experience there “god awesome”. Sun is coming out with a new system called “sun ray”. One of the chief guys there explained it to us. They have built a light 1 meter by 1 meter box. It acts like a CPU. It has interfaces for connecting your mouse, keyboard and screen. Now how one can gain access to the system is by a smart card. So you insert your smart card into the system and then you are asked to enter your user name and password. With this you can gain access to your system. All you data is stored in a central server and you basically hook to that with this system. So you can just travel with your card and access your data from any part of the world. It was simply superb. They also have a really light weight laptop which is a mobile sun ray. I think this is the next big thing. SUN will become big after they sell this. Imagine you can access all your data from any part of the globe. It will also be so secure. Of course I am not too sure about the performance. All the data is going to be encrypted so there will be some performance issue I am sure. The engineer there was not too concerned about that. I guess it’s really easy to shoot down a technology.
We were at a place patxi pizza at Palo Alto. It was in Palo Alto. It was really nice. We had a nice dinner. Palo Alto looked very nice. There were rows and rows of shops and it was quite urban. But which place is not here


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