Snowfall on cedar

So today I sat for yet another interview. The only difference being these people I could really communicate with. Hope things work out. I really like the work they are into. Their bread and butter is model driven architecture and lot of architecture work. I sure would like to work there.
Yesterday I watched this lovely movie called Snowfall on cedar. It starred the oh so handsome Ethan Hawke. There is something about him. He has very powerful eyes and his dialogue delivery is excellent. I wonder why he isn't among the top ranking actors. So basically my friends and me were treated to a one and half hour drooling session. It was awesome and very moving. Can't actually believe an egalatarian society like America was so cruel to the Japanese during pearl harbour. I think there was a repertoire during the 9/11. That's what happened to the Indians and pakistanis. So despite all the talk about the world being a global village we still have boundaries.


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